If you are planning cremation services in West Ashley, SC there are many things you need to do and plan for. One of the things you have to do is write an obituary. While obituaries are necessary, they are highly recommended. They announce the death of a loved one and let people know about the services. You can write the obituary yourself or you can have a funeral home or a friend to write it for you. While you can include almost anything in an obituary and make it as long and short as you choose, there are some things that should be included. Palmetto Cremation Society is happy to help you write an obituary for your loved one. Here are some things to include.
You should always include information about the service arrangements so people know when and where they can come to pay their respects. If you are having a cremation service, you will need to note it in the obituary. You should also explain if you are having a memorial service. Be sure to list the name of the crematory, the date, and the time of the service. If you are having dinner or will be getting the family together after the service, you can include that information as well.
Many people like the make the obituary a short biography about the deceased’s life. You can talk about where they were born, who their closest family members were, and offer any other type of information that you feel is important. Many people like to include the names of children, siblings, and even pets. You can also talk about the deceased’s accomplishments, milestones, and any awards they may have received during their life.
Most people like to include a photo of their loved one in the obituary. A lot of people may share a name, so when a photo is included it lets family members and friends determine if the deceased is someone they know. You can choose any photo you like. Most newspapers have a limit of one photo per obituary, but if you are making an obituary to share online, you may be able to add as many photos as you choose. If you do not want to include a photo, you can create an obituary without one.
If you are planning cremation services West Ashley, SC and need help writing an obituary, the Palmetto Cremation Society can help. There’s a lot of planning that goes into a cremation and we are here to help you with anything you may need. If you are ready to
plan a funeral service and need some help, give us a call or stop by today. We are here to assist you with all your cremation needs and will answer any questions you may have about the process. We will even help you write the obituary. Give us a call to learn more about the services we offer.